MSA Foundation

The Company was floated in the year 1997 and got its first RDSO approval Certificate for supply of Small Track machine and P. Way Measuring Tools in the year 2003 for supply of Abrasive Rail Cutting Wheel and got its second approval for supply of Abrasive Rail Cutter in the year 2008.

The company is the Sole Distributor of M/s ZAKLAD WYTWARZANIA ARTYKULOW SCIERNYCH for "ANDRE" brand Rail Cutting Disc for the entire Indian Railways.

The company is Sole Distributor for the "KUTTER"® Brand Abrasive Rail Cutter to the entire Indian Railways.

The company is sole OEM for Honda I.C. engines for the entire Indian territory for the engines used in abrasive rail cutters.

Future Aim

To be the largest supplier of Small track Machines to the entire Indian Railways for following mentioned machines:

  • Portable Rail Drilling Machine
  • Weld Shearing Machine
  • Portable D. C. Welding generator
  • Machine for Clip Inspection & Removal
  • Rail Profile Grinder Machine
  • Chemical for Removal of Jammed ERC Clips

Historical achievements

  • "RDSO APPROVAL" in 2003 for abrasive rail cutting discs
  • "RDSO APPROVAL" in 2008 for abrasive rail cutters
  • Sole OEM for "HONDA" I.C. engines for Indian territory
  • Sole Distributors for "ANDRE" - Poland
  • Sole Distributors for "KUTTER"®
  • Supplied more than 25,000 Discs till date to Indian Railways. All orders in respect to Disc executed in Time. No Penalty on any accounts.
Abrasive Rail Cutter Abrasive Rail Cutting Wheel